What grains and cereals are good to eat in autumn


Also known as japonica rice, it is sweet and flat, with the effect of tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and eliminating thirst. In winter, when the indoor heating is hot and the air is dry, drinking some rice porridge in the morning and evening can help to prevent dry mouth and tongue.

A special reminder for diabetics is that different cooking methods of rice have different effects on blood sugar. Studies have shown that dry rice cooked in equal quantities has less effect on blood sugar than thin rice. Therefore, eating dry rice for breakfast is good for diabetics to control their blood sugar.

2. Millet

It is often eaten to strengthen the spleen and stomach and can be eaten by those suffering from spleen and stomach fever, regurgitation and vomiting, diarrhea, and postpartum and post-illness weakness. When boiling millet porridge, a fine sticky substance floats on top, which is known as "rice oil". According to Chinese medicine, rice oil is extremely nutritious and has the strongest tonic power, and there is a saying that "rice oil can replace ginseng soup".


Wheat is sweet in taste and mildly cold in nature, it is good for the spleen and kidneys, nourishing the heart and calming the mind. For those who suffer from insomnia, wheat can be used to cook porridge with rice and dates. In addition, wheat bran contains high dietary fiber, which has a preventive effect on hyperlipoproteinemia, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, age-related constipation, and colon cancer.

4, corn

It is sweet in taste and flat in nature, and has the function of strengthening the spleen and relieving dampness, appeasing the stomach, nourishing the heart, and activating the blood. The linoleic acid in corn oil can prevent cholesterol from precipitating into the blood vessel walls, which has a positive effect on preventing hypertension and coronary heart disease.

It also has diuretic and blood sugar-lowering effects, making it particularly suitable for diabetics. American scientists have also found that eating corn can stimulate brain cells and enhance memory. The luteinizing hormone and zeaxanthin contained in corn can prevent the occurrence of macular degeneration in the eyes of the elderly.

5, barley

The protein contained in barley is much higher than that of rice and noodles and is easily digested and absorbed, to reduce the gastrointestinal burden and strengthen the body has a certain role. 

The above is a detailed description of what we eat in the fall, because now there are many hypertensive, or hyperglycemic patients, if they eat too much rice will cause their blood sugar to rise, especially in the fall, so try to eat staple foods, and grains with the food.

Autumn eating grains and cereals skills

1, the amount is eaten every day to account for about 1/3 of the main food

The coarse grains eat less, not to prevent chronic diseases and a variety of health effects. But coarse grains contain more dietary fiber and phytic acid, long-term consumption of large quantities will affect the body's absorption of calcium, iron, and other minerals, but also reduce the body's immunity.

Therefore, experts suggest that it is best to eat 50 to 100 grams of roughage every day. Healthy adults eating 1/3 of the total amount of staple foods per day is more appropriate.

2、Cooking in a pressure cooker to protect nutrition

Red beans, mung beans, black rice, and other dark-colored grains are rich in antioxidants, which can help the body to remove free radicals and resist aging.

Cooking in a pressure cooker can prevent food from coming into contact with too much oxygen, which is very beneficial in preserving valuable antioxidant components such as polyphenols in coarse grains.

Overseas studies have also confirmed that steaming can reduce the antioxidant capacity of beans, but cooking them in a pressure cooker can reduce the loss of antioxidants at the same level of tenderness.

3、Adjust the variety according to your body type

Oats are rich in soluble dietary fiber, suitable for people with high blood fat and obesity; red beans and barley are diuretic and swelling, suitable for people with edema.

Hotter people can eat more mung beans, buckwheat, and other cold nourishing grains; the cold body should choose sorghum, red beans, glutinous rice, and other warm grains; people with poor stomach and intestines can choose millet, rhubarb rice, and brown rice, this type of coarse grains cooked porridge to eat easy to digest.

4, special groups of people to do coarse food fine

The elderly, children whose digestive systems have not yet been developed, or women with low immunity, due to weak digestion and absorption, eating too much coarse grains will increase the gastrointestinal burden, but also prevent the absorption and utilization of other nutrients.

For these people, apart from choosing easily digestible coarse grains such as millet and rhubarb rice, and reducing the number of coarse grains eaten, you can also improve the absorption rate by improving cooking methods, such as cooking porridge soft and sticky or grinding coarse grains into flour.

It is important to note that for diabetics, the softer and stickier the porridge, the faster the blood sugar will rise after a meal.

Autumn diet precautions

1、Autumn diet should prevent dryness and protect Yin, nourish the kidneys and moisten the lungs

Autumn is the harvest season, listed vegetables, fruits, and vegetable varieties, people should eat peanuts, loach, white duck meat, anchovies, yams, white fungus, oranges, white fruit, pears, red dates, lotus seeds, grapes, sugar cane, and other soft moist products. Autumn is dry, prone to such diseases as dry skin, cracking and corns, at this time, you should drink more boiled water, light tea, soy milk, milk, honey, etc.

2, autumn tonic should nourish Yin and moisten dryness

In autumn, people feel dry mouth and nose, dry throat, dry skin cracking, indicating that dryness consumes the body's fluid, fluid is injured, nourishing fluid is the common method of autumn tonic. When autumn dryness causes lung deficiency, lily, barley, Huai Shan, honey, etc. can be used to benefit the lung; when it causes lung yin deficiency, walnut meat, gravy, pear, lotus root juice, and milk, hemp seed, sea cucumber, pigskin, chicken, etc. can be used to nourish stomach yin and liver and kidney respectively.

3, autumn diet to have "cold" effect

Autumn, especially late autumn, the weather becomes cold, people can increase the supply of heat through diet, eat more chicken, fish, meat, eggs, soy products, and fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruit, and other foods rich in high protein, vitamins, trace elements and easy to digest four, autumn diet should also pay attention to disease prevention.

Autumn cool, human appetite, overeating and overeating to increase the burden of gastrointestinal, dysfunction, especially in autumn, the temperature difference between day and night, the abdomen is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases after the cold. Therefore, you should pay attention to the hygiene of food, to keep the "disease from the mouth" off. In addition, the cooler autumn climate enhances the sense of taste, which leads to overeating and reduced sweat secretion, and should prevent obesity.
