Mung beans 3 effects full analysis! Clear the heat and lower blood pressure, 3 taboos to pay attention to


Whenever the weather is hot, every household will inevitably have a bowl of ice, or at home to drink a bowl of green bean soup to quench the thirst, and the soul of green bean soup "green beans" as long as the appropriate amount of consumption, not only has a cooling effect but also helps to lower blood sugar, what are the nutritional composition and effectiveness of green beans? What are the taboos that need special attention when consuming them?

Green bean nutrition and benefits

Mung bean (Mung bean) is actually a plant seed, small and hard particles, because of the green color, also known as green lentils, can be divided into two varieties of oil green beans and pink green beans, Taiwan's green beans are mainly pink green beans. The skin of oil green beans is thick and shiny, suitable for processing into fillings; the skin of pink green beans is slightly powdery, easy to cook and fragrant, and has a better taste.

According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's food nutrient database, green beans have the following nutrients per 100 grams.

Calories: 339 calories

Protein: 24.6 grams

Carbohydrate: 59.6 grams

Dietary fiber: 11.2 grams

Sugar: 1.3 grams

Magnesium: 144 mg

Potassium: 1047 mg

Iron: 4.4 mg

Zinc: 3 mg

Phosphorus: 490 mg

Vitamin A: 45 I.U.

Vitamin E: 7.72 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.7 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.13 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg

Vitamin C: 0.7 mg

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Nutritional knowledge

Drinking red bean soup can replenish blood? The 3 major nutritional benefits of red beans

Red beans are a healthy food that is easy to obtain and full of nutritional value, whether it is used for congee, rice, stew or dessert are very delicious. But what are the beneficial nutrients of red beans? In addition, many women believe that red beans can nourish the blood, and often drink red bean soup during menstruation, but do red beans really have this effect? Let "Hello Doctor" introduce you to the top 3 health benefits of red beans, and let's learn more about red beans! According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare Food Nutrition Information Database, red beans have 328 calories and a variety of nutrients, including 20.9 grams of protein, 0.6 grams of fat, 61.5 grams of carbohydrates, 18.5 grams of dietary fiber, 1.2 milligrams of vitamin C, 11.14 milligrams of vitamin E, 110.7 micrograms of folic acid, and 1.5 grams of potassium. 110.7 mcg, potassium 1,203 mg and magnesium 162 mg, etc.   What are the benefits of eating red beans? Red beans are diuretic and edema-reducing. Red beans contain up to 1,203 mg of potassium per 100 grams, which is diuretic and edema-reducing. Edema, foot and spleen, and stomach. (Recommended reading: How to eat to eliminate edema? 5 kinds of edema food open) 2. red beans are high in fiber to help digestion, prevent constipation Red beans are rich in dietary fiber, help maintain a healthy digestive system, per 100 grams that contains 18.5 grams of dietary fiber, the same quality of white rice is about 30 times higher, not only to increase satiety, promote body metabolism, but also to absorb water, and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, avoid constipation. (Extended reading: constipation without surprise eat this one! Fresh figs nutrition than dried fruit, eat figs benefits) 3. magnesium can relieve stress and reduce insomnia diet is the most important source of magnesium, if the body lacks magnesium, that may appear tension, cramps, and other symptoms, and red beans contain high levels of magnesium, if the right amount of supplementation helps the body to maintain nerves and relax muscles, to fight fatigue and relieve stress, but also to promote the brain to release sufficient serotonin and γ-aminobutyric acid ( Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA for short) so that the brain can relax during sleep and reduce the chance of insomnia. (Recommended reading: the efficacy and role of magnesium: 9 kinds of food high magnesium and healthy) Drinking red bean soup can really replenish blood? Because of the appearance of red, so, red beans have long been considered the holy grail of women's blood, so many menstrual flows or anemia women want to drink red bean soup, red beans contain iron to replenish blood, the effect may let you disappointed! (Extended reading: Whiteface, dizziness, walking will be wheezing? Do not be surprised! Because the iron contained in plant foods, compared to animal foods, such as pork liver, beef, lamb, and other red meat is more difficult to absorb into the body, so only intake of red beans is not enough, but also in the process of eating, with cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, guavas, and kiwi fruit and other vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to promote the body's efficiency in absorbing iron. In addition, because high tannins can hinder the absorption of iron, it is recommended that beverages containing high tannins such as tea, coffee, or wine should be avoided before and within 2 hours after meals. (Photo credit: Tat Chee Image) [health-tool template="BMR"]

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Data Check: Hello Doctor - 6 days ago

A good helper in reducing edema! Mung beans 3 effects at once to see

1. detoxify and eliminate edema

Don't underestimate the health benefits contained in a small green bean, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, dry mouth or easy to dry heat can be through the intake of green beans to clear the heat and detoxification and achieve the effect of quenching thirst.

In addition, if the body has too many sodium ions due to an excessive salty diet, the body will absorb more water to help maintain the balance, thus easily triggering edema. (Read more: How to eat to reduce edema? 5 kinds of foods to reduce edema are open to the public)

2. lower blood sugar, lower blood fat

Mung beans contain polysaccharide composition, can reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, can enhance the activity of serum lipoproteins, so that the triglycerides in lipoproteins hydrolysis, to achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids; which contains soluble dietary fiber, can slow down the body's absorption of sugar, to help diabetics lower blood sugar, to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar. (Recommended reading: What is the normal value of blood lipids? Cholesterol and triglyceride tests should know)

3. Dietary fiber to prevent colorectal cancer

Every 100 grams of green beans contain 11.2 grams of dietary fiber, its dietary fiber content is higher than the same quality of cabbage, spinach, and other common vegetables, appropriate intake can stimulate the muscle peristalsis of the colon, but also has the effect of water absorption, expansion and moistening the colon, so that the stool is more moist and soft, effectively promote defecation, and maintain intestinal health, reduce the problem of constipation, and thus achieve the effect of preventing colorectal cancer.

The benefits and contraindications of eating green beans

There are also contraindications to eating green beans? These 3 types of people should pay attention to!

Although eating a bowl of cold green bean soup can make you feel cooler and bring you many of the benefits mentioned above in the hot summer, for those who take Chinese medicine, some of the Chinese herbal ingredients may be antidotal if they are accompanied by hot green beans. Therefore, for those who take Chinese medicine, if you want to make mung bean soup to relieve the heat in your body, it is recommended to take it after 1~2 hours.

As for women with menstrual flow, if you find that your menstrual blood is irregular and dark, you should also avoid eating green beans and eat red bean soup instead to replenish your iron and pair it with cauliflower, tomatoes, guavas, and other vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to increase iron absorption. (Same scene encore: let you replenish your blood spirit, iron efficacy! Iron food ranking at once!)

In addition, Post Hospital dietitian Huang Shuhui pointed out that kidney patients due to poor kidney function, resulting in reduced ability to excrete potassium, so the intake of high potassium content of green beans, it may cause potassium residue in the blood, leading to high potassium, so kidney patients should be particularly careful when eating green beans, otherwise it may lead to aggravation of the disease.
