The champion of iron content in vegetables! The 4 effects of shiso, 2 dishes, not only appetizing and healthy

Whether it is used to wrap sashimi or grilled meat, added to fried eggs to add flavor, or pickled into sweet and sour shiso plums, it tastes very refreshing and delicious. However, in addition to its unique aroma and suitability for use in dishes, shiso is also rich in nutritional value and can help reduce weight and blood fat.

What are the nutrients of perilla?

Perilla frutescens is an annual herb, and most people eat the leaves and seeds of Perilla frutescens. Because of its special flavor, Perilla frutescens leaves are often used with fish and meat dishes, while Perilla frutescens seeds, also known as ebony or soursop, can be eaten directly or made into cooking oil.

Nutritional Value of Shiso

According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration's Food Nutrition Facts Database, 100 grams of shiso contains 71 calories and has the following nutrients.

Protein: 5.5 grams

Fat: 1.2 g

Carbohydrate: 11.9 g

Dietary fiber: 8.8 g

Potassium: 502 mg

Calcium: 401 mg

Magnesium: 94 mg

Iron: 7.4 mg

Vitamin A: 5497 I.U.

Beta-carotene: 3298 mcg

Vitamin E: 2.87 mg

Niacin: 2.32 mg

Vitamin C: 41.1 mg

Linoleic acid: 138 mg

Vegetable iron content champion! The 4 effects of shiso, 2 dishes, eat super appetizing and healthy!

Prevent anemia and help to lose weight! Perilla 4 effects report you to know

Shiso is rich in iron and dietary fiber, which is beneficial to the human body, and the shiso seed oil extracted from shiso seeds has a high content of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health. In addition, shiso also has the following four effects: 1.

1. improve ischemic anemia

Since iron is an important raw material for hemoglobin production, a lack of iron in the body can easily lead to anemia, pale face, dizziness, palpitations, fatigue, and other symptoms of iron deficiency anemia.

Among many vegetables, perilla is the top vegetable in terms of iron content, containing 7.4 mg per 100 grams, which is higher than many other vegetables such as groundnut leaves, red cabbage, hollow cabbage, etc. As long as the proper intake and consumption of fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content, such as bitter melon, cauliflower, kiwi, papaya, and tomatoes, can promote the efficiency of iron absorption and improve iron deficiency anemia. (Read more: Iron is good for your blood! Iron food ranking a look!)

2. High dietary fiber to help lose weight

Perilla leaves are rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, can be broken down by intestinal bacteria fermentation, and can be combined with water to form a viscous layer of water ripples, delaying gastric emptying, increasing the feeling of fullness, as well as reducing the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and fats and other nutrients, and enhance the water content of stool, which reduces calorie intake, to achieve weight loss effect.

3. Lowering blood lipids

From the perilla seeds can be extracted rich in Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which can help reduce the body's blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the DHA and EPA can reduce triglyceride (Triglyceride), but also has a relaxation of blood vessels, lower blood pressure and anticoagulant effect. (Extended reading: What is the normal value of blood lipids? Cholesterol and triglyceride tests should know)

4. anti-inflammatory

The Omega-3s in shiso seed oil not only have lipid control effects, but also inhibit inflammatory mediators and fibrotic mediators, including C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukins, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Tumor necrosis factor-alpha), and anti-inflammatory agents. Fibrotic mediators include C-reactive protein (CRP), Interleukins, Tumor necrosis factor-α, Matrix metalloproteinases, etc., which effectively counteract the inflammatory response in the body and improve the chronic inflammatory state.

3 shiso dishes are easy to prepare!

1. Apple and shiso salad

Apple and shiso salad is a very refreshing appetizer, the following are the ingredients, seasoning, and cooking steps required for the dish.

Ingredients: 6 slices of apple, 3 tbsp of brown rice vinegar, 50 g of purple cabbage, 1 slice of cabbage, 2 slices of shiso leaves, 2 slices of lettuce, 4 slices of carrot

Seasoning: 2 tbsp each of olive oil, grape vinegar, and salad dressing, 2 tbsp almond pieces, a few raisins, a little shredded seaweed

Preparation method.

After cutting the apple, soak it in a little brown rice vinegar to prevent oxidation; shred the purple cabbage and cabbage separately; cut the lettuce into 3cm width.

After preparing the above ingredients, put them into a salad bowl and add shiso leaves and sliced carrots.

Drizzle 2 tbsp each of olive oil, grape vinegar, and salad dressing in order, put almond pieces and raisins on top, and decorate with shredded seaweed.

2. Fresh Fish Fillet with Shiso Plum Sauce

After adding a few shiso leaves and sweet and sour shiso plum juice, the fresh fish fillet will be transformed into a home-cooked meal in about 10 minutes.

Ingredients: sea bream fillet 75g, flour 25g, egg 1, salad oil, water 12.5g, shiso, shiso plum 1, cheese crispy powder 2.5g

Seasoning: a little ketchup, a little plum, a little vinegar, a little sugar, 1 plum, 5 tbsp. shiso plum juice

Preparation method.

Slice the sea bream (1cm thickness).

Mix the prepared flour, egg, cheese baking powder, water, and salad oil to make a batter.

Evenly coat the snapper slices with the batter.

Deep fry the snapper in a pan at high temperature until golden brown.

Mix ketchup, vinegar, sugar, shiso, plum, and other leftover ingredients together and pour the sauce into a bowl with chopped shiso leaves.

Add 5 tablespoons of shiso plum juice to the bowl and mix well.

Pour the sauce over the fried sea bream, top with shiso plums, and sprinkle a few white sesame seeds.

3. Shiso Plum Tomato Sauce

The following ingredients are needed: 240g of small tomatoes, 40cc of shiso plum juice, 1 apple (about 200g), 2 kumquats, and 300cc of cold water.

Remove the seeds from the kumquats and set them aside.

Put all ingredients into the cup of the juicer, cover tightly, turn on the power, and beat for 40 seconds to finish.
